четвъртък, 2 август 2012 г.

Metasequoia seedlings in containers during their 3-rd vegetation period

Look at some Metasequoia seedlings grown in containers during their 3-rd vegetation period. They grow near to their few hundred same age siblings which were replanted in the ground.

Photo made on June 30, 2012

вторник, 31 юли 2012 г.

Today I took care for the 8 Ginkgo biloba plants around the block in Plovdiv

Today I took care for the 8 Ginkgo biloba plants around the block in Plovdiv. Using my magic spade I uproted the weeds, enlarged the water beds and watered the plants. (Photos will be attached later.)

Ginkgo biloba tree near "Sveta Bogorodica" cathedral church in Pazardjik

During the spring of 2008 a friend of mine introduced me to Dr Metodiy Atanasov Ikonomov, a dentist from Pazardjik. The doctor wanted to make a donation planting a sapling of Ginkgo biloba in the garden near “Sveta Bogorodica” cathedral church in Pazardjik. I proposed to him that we become a cosponsors every one of us taking half the price of the plant and he agreed. We choose the planting position and I planted Ginkgo biloba seedling grown by me, sown and sprout in the spring of 2005. At the moment of planting \it was with size around 1 meter above the ground. Since then I have been used to pass via Pazardjik almost every month at once and look how is the Ginkgo around the church. I’m used to water it and/or uproot the weeds in its water bed. The plant grows very well as you could see from the three photos attached which were made at 2008, 2010 and 2012 respectively.

Гинко билоба до катедралната църква "Света Богородица" в Пазарджик

През пролетта на 2008 мой приятел ме запозна с доктор Методий Атанасов Икономов от Пазарджик, стоматолог. Докторът искаше да направи дарение като засади фиданка Гинко билоба в градинката на катедралната църква „Света Богородица” в Пазарджик. Предложих му да станем съдарители като всеки от нас поема половината от цената на растението и той се съгласи. Избрахме мястото и аз засадих семенна фиданка Гинко билоба, отгледана от мен, засята и поникнала през пролетта на 2005. Височината и по време на засаждането вече беше около 1 метър. Оттогава досега почти всеки месец по веднъж успявам да мина през Пазарджик и да видя как е Гинко-то до църквата. Ако е необходими го поливам и/или почиствам от плевели поливната му чаша. То расте и се развива много добре както може да се види от 3-те снимки, направени съответно през 2008, 2010 и 2012.

четвъртък, 22 декември 2011 г.

Ginkgo biloba planting in Sofia: more than three years after the start up

Today, 7-nth of January, 2012: 73 Ginkgos are still alive.
3 in the garden in front of the National Theater, 18 along Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Bulevard,and 52 in the South Park, behind the City Center Sofia.

вторник, 23 ноември 2010 г.

Ginkgo biloba planting in Sofia: two years after the start up

Sofia, two years ago, 23-rd of November, 2008: 113 Ginkgo biloba seedlings were planted during the day.
89 in the South Park, behind the City Center, 21 along Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Bulevard, 3 in the garden in front of the National Theater.
During 2009, sometimes alone and sometimes with the help of Ms Boeva, I planted 25 Ginkgo seedlings, grown by me, at the places of somehow disappeared or heavily injured ones.
During the spring of 2010 I planted another 16 Ginkgo seedlings.
On 23-rd of October, 2010, employees of Postbank planted 25 and employees of Investor.BG planted 15 Ginkgos. On the next day I planted 3.
This gives a total of 197 Ginkos planted there in two years.
Today, 23-th of November, 2010: 111 Ginkgos are still alive.